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Goodbye, February!

I believe in fairy talesThere is something so very sacred about 5:00 on a Sunday afternoon at our house. I typically use the time to pour myself a piping hot cup of coffee and reflect on the weekend as I prepare for the work week. If Patrick is home, we usually have our coffee together and take our dogs for a walk before the sun goes down. He has been at work since 5am, so I thought I would use this time to drink my coffee and reflect with you on the month of February. I must be honest, it is not going to be very pretty, but that is okay. 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. “For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

I knew February was going to be challenging, and I tried to metnally prepare for it. Key word, tried. Despite me efforts, I still had a really hard time. Patrick’s work schedule was awful as expected, which meant I had a lot of alone time and time spent waiting for him to be home. I try very hard not to be the needy wife, always waiting for her husband to come home, but this month, I felt like I was pretty needy- not that I wanted him to come home to help me with chores and what not, I just wanted him home to spend time with him. Let’s call it being madly in love, not neediness 🙂

Personal: I don’t feel that I did a great job with remaining in touch with friends and family this month. I made several lunch dates with friends, but, sadly, they all fell through. Unfortunately, because of Patrick’s work schedule, we did not get to go home to see our family this month either. In March, I really want to focus on picking up the phone and calling people when I can’t see them. New month, new start 🙂

Marriage: I believe one of the many secrets to a happy marriage is to know what works and what does not work for you and your spouse. Sharing a car does not work for us. I am a morning person, and Patrick is definitely a night owl. As I drove him to work several mornings (because my car has been in the shop twice this month), I wanted to spend the drive talking about our day and singing along to KLove.  I quickly realized that, in order for us both to have great mornings, I needed to be quiet on the morning drive and save my talking for when I picked him up. Although we learned what does not work for us, we were able to learn something new about each other and strengthen our marriage. All in all, great month for our marriage!

Spiritual: I don’t know about you, but KLove radio does wonders for me. Driving 35 minutes to work each day while listening to KLove really gives me time to feel connected to God each day.

Financial: Let’s be honest, we didn’t save a whole lot this month. Two trips to the car shop will really drain a bank account fast. Excluding the unexpected costs, the other areas of our budget were right on track. I am giving us a thumbs up on this one.

Health: I remained faithful to my normal five days of strict Paleo and two days of “choice” eating. This way of eating works for me. I am able to maintain my goal weight and still “live” a little. I’ll be honest, I could not stick to Paleo seven days a week and remain sane. I am too much of a sweet eater: brownies, cookies, ice cream, you get the picture. I also know that I can make Paleo friendly desserts, and I incorporate those throughout the week. I just feel happier when I have two days a week that I am able to eat whatever I want.

Skills: I really failed at this one during the month of February. I’m really trying to think hard about what I did instead of work on my photography skills and practice Spanish, and nothing comes to mind. I don’t even have an excuse for it. I really have to do better in March.

Motherhood: No baby yet, but I am hopeful that things will change next month! Fingers crossed!

With March just around the corner, I have lots of exciting things to look forward to! I plan to share each and every one of them with you!  Patrick’s schedule will be different, of course, and our calendar is filling up fast!

How has your month been? Do you find yourself reflecting at the end of every month in preparation for the upcoming month?


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